Crozier Schutt Associates

Crozier Schutt Associates bring wide experience and proven expertise to an extensive range of museum and heritage tasks, including exhibition development; collection management, assessment and research; strategic planning; project management; training and management of volunteers; researching collections; significance assessment; education kits and public programs. They have collectively been responsible for over 16 major exhibitions and over 30 significance assessments. Brian Crozier was senior curator of social history at the Queensland Museum for 17 years, following five years at the History Trust of South Australia. He has particular skills in exhibition development, significance assessment, strategic planning and collection management. He and Faye have been museum consultants since 2008. Faye Schutt curated the bulk of the exhibitions in the award-winning MacArthur Museum Brisbane. She is an experienced historian, and the author of The indispensable goat, a history of goats in Queensland. She has particular skills in education, visitor services, and significance assessment.
RFDS Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame (2010) Crozier Schutt Associates have completed five major exhibitions since we started in 2008. This was the first of two for the Royal Flying Doctor - the second is at Charleville. The exhibition was undertaken in partnership with the design firm Brandi Projects, with whom we have a long connection. The exhibition tells the history of the RFDS in context with its recent work, and was (like the Charleville project) undertaken as a marketing project to encourage support from the grey nomad audience. It was warmly received by both the Stockman's Hall of Fame and the RFDS. The arrangement between the RFDS and the Hall of Fame was that the project would be funded from admissions - it is well ahead of schedule, which has encouraged the RFDS to repeat the exercise in Charleville.
Hayden collection (2012) Cricketer Matthew Hayden commissioned Crozier Schutt Associates to establish his large body of cricketing souvenirs as a museum collection. This work included developing a collection policy with which to identify material for the collection; establishing a database (Excel - including detailed description and conservation information); multiple photographs of each item, editing of the photographs, linking the photographs with the database; tagging and numbering of each item; storing the collection in museum-standard conditions (as far as was feasible in the circumstances). The collection numbers some 410 items.
Marks collection (ongoing in 2014) Brisbane's Marks family has been prominent as scientists, doctors and military figures for over a century. They were also notable for their care of their own historical material, which includes their family papers. These include over 5000 letters, over 200 diaries, 23 photo albums and many loose photographs, and some 1200 glass negatives, all of which were donated by the family to the State Library of Queensland. Crozier Schutt Associates were commissioned by the family to process this material for the Library to facilitate its rapid availability for research. Completion of the work is expected later in 2014.
Marks online (2010) The Marks family is also responsible for collections of material in many other institutions. As part of an agreement with the Queensland University of Technology, which included the transfer of the family farm at Samford to QUT as an environmental research centre, Crozier Schutt Associates were commissioned by QUT to develop a website describing and linking of these different collections (including a search capability across all the collections), with historical context. This project was completed in 2010.
Marks Hirschfeld Museum significance assessment (2012) Crozier Schutt Associates have completed over 30 significance assessments of collections throughout Queensland as well as in NSW. The assessment of the collection of the Marks Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History was completed in 2012. The Museum holds a world class collection of medical material, including an 1896 X-ray machine, a significant collection of moulages (moulded representations of diseased body parts), and water colour paintings of skin conditions among prisoners of war at Changi, created at enormous risk. Significance assessment projects in hand for 2014 include collections held by the Queensland Irish Club and the Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach.
Brian CrozierCo-principal
Crozier Schutt Associates
110 Orchid Street
Enoggera QLD
Phone: (07) 3355 9023
Year Commenced: 2008Number of Staff: 2
Staff Basis: Sole Operator
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: Yes
ABN: 90 013 305 834