Chas Harper

A qualified Museum Educator and ESL Teacher with a track record of designing and delivering superior educational projects that generate additional revenue whilst also improving international student visitor language levels. Key strengths include: designing educationally rich tour projects catering for varying age ranges / language ability whilst aligning with museum strategic goals and budget constraints; transforming complex museum object, artwork and artist information into easily understandable material to engage audiences of diverse cultures and languages; writing, editing and proof-reading material to support compelling business cases, project management style centred on collaboration and aligning business and audience needs; managing operations and performance for a team of up to 25 direct reports; collaborative leadership style; and building relationships with internal / external stakeholders to align project material with expectations.
Australian National Maritime Museum: Curriculum Development and Team Management: Education Officer (2018-present)
Chosen to ensure the museum’s education programmes were current, engaging and strategically aligned to the organisation’s goals, the New South Wales curriculum and the Australian curriculum. The museum was in the process of transferring their focus from being primarily centred on naval and convict history to a modern cultural institution conducting cutting edge scientific research, showcasing high tech scientific exhibitions that engage with current issues and communities ultimately attracting a broader and more generalist audience base. Curated the museum’s first LGBTQI+ exhibition Sea of Rainbow launched as part of the flag raising ceremony for Mardi Gras 2019. Developed a comprehensive programme suite to accompany blockbuster touring temporary exhibitions: On Sharks & Humanity and Sea Monsters – Prehistoric Marine Predators, including the introduction of curriculum aligned programmes for Early Years and HSC Visual Arts and created a programme specifically designed for tertiary international students, thereby harnessing three new markets. Showcased Hidden Histories on the Human Rights Trail programme launched as a part of the 2019 Refugee Week Schools Programme. Successfully piloted the Museum’s first Science Outreach Peer Mentoring Programme Maritime in the Mountains which empowered science students from regional NSW to communicate science to primary school students. Successfully collaborated with external stakeholders such as the Seabin Foundation, Sydney Institute of Marine Science, AUSMAP, Honeywell, Beachwatch and UTS to research and design the Museum’s first school programme centred on Sustainability and Ocean Science including using ROVs or underwater drones to conduct a health check of Pyrmont Bay, acquiring the RV Investigator’s Micro CSI Container, a 3D printed mini Seabin, a hydraulic model of Sydney Harbour and a measurable solar powered laptop.
Sculpture by the Sea: English Second Language (ESL) Tours: Programme Manager (2014-2016)
Submitted a proposal to Sculpture by the Sea to offer tailored tours for ESL students. Engaged to deliver a pilot of tours following proposal acceptance. Applied knowledge of ESL curriculum to artworks; selected vocabularies suited to varying student levels; prepared tour activities by age level; delivered tours and led activities focusing on core listening, speaking, reading and writing skills; elicited student descriptions using key vocabulary; and led student summaries / presentations. Succeeded in achieving 100% feedback rating whilst securing further contracts Since Pilot, bookings have trebled and programme expanded from 60-90 minute tours. Created a Sculpture by the Sea Education Programme to accompany all exhibitions going forward with pre, during and post visit activities specifically designed for ESL learners.
Victoria & Albert Museum: English Second Language (ESL) Materials: Museum Consultant (2011-2012)
Victoria & Albert Museum had new permanent collections and the supporting material for international ESL students was out of date. Engaged to update materials. Reviewed existing material; discussed with education team to identify problems; researched new collections; designed materials and defined tour activities to develop vocabulary of ESL students; and presented to manager for review. Succeeded in delivering materials suitable for different language levels and ages on time and within budget for subsequent marketing promotion.
Sculpture by the Sea: Focus Tours: School Programme Educator (2012-2016)
Sculpture by the Sea wanted to generate higher revenue through additional school visitor numbers and had offered an increased number of tours. Engaged to deliver Focus Tours. Analysed and researched artists; liaised with artists during site installation; liaised with teachers through education workshops; selected relevant objects for age and ability groups; and developed interactive practical sessions. Succeeded in delivering up to 30 tours with excellent feedback and secured additional contracts.
Foundling Museum: Tour Content Revamp: School Programme Educator (2011)
Foundling Museum wanted to pilot a different tour approach for selected students following an incident with an adopted school visitor who became distressed around the connection to adoption of specific collection content during a tour. Engaged to design and deliver pilot tour. Researched collection; designed tour content and activities; presented to museum and adoption networks; delivered / evaluated tour; and compiled report on findings. Succeeded in delivering successful pilot which increased audience and was also used for staff training.
Chasna HarperPhone: 0477152659
Year Commenced: 2011Number of Staff: 1
Staff Basis: Sole Operator
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: No