Bruce Pennay Heritage and History Consultant

Dr Bruce Pennay has been a heritage historian specialising in studies of rural and regional NSW and Victoria. He is currently interested in post-war immigration and host society responses to it. He has published books on Albury-Wodonga and its surrounds. He has completed heritage studies for country towns in the Riverina and on the Southern Tablelands. These heritage studies and subsequent museum engagements involved him in assessing significance of heritage items and museum collections.
2013 Significance Assessment: National Growth Centre Collection, Albury Library Museum
2012 Significance Assessment: Miles Franklin Collection, Tumut Museum
2012 Significance Assessment: Catholic Diocese of Wagga Wagga Archive
2008 Significance Assessment: The Brookong Collection at the Green’s Gunyah Museum, Lockhart
2008 Significance Assessment: Bonegilla Collection, Albury Library Museum
Bruce PennayAdjunct Associate Professor, Charles Sturt University
Bruce Pennay Heritage and History Consultant
PO Box 665
Lavington NSW
Phone: (02) 6051 9857
Year Commenced: 1999Number of Staff: 1
Staff Basis: Sole Operator
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: Yes
ABN: 64 964 840 831