Asiatica Cultural Management

Key services are to provide advice about and plan for emerging consumer markets in the Asia-Pacific interested in Australian arts and cultural heritage. We are committed to facilitating greater cultural exchange through helping our clients understand the possibilities out there.
Asiatica Cultural Management has a broad remit as it melds the local with the global (glocal) necessary for greater cultural understanding. Prof Hilary du Cros, has worked extensively as a cultural researcher throughout the region in the areas of arts, heritage and tourism over the last 30 years. Her experience is the basis for the services offered to assist artists, galleries, event organizers, local planners and councils and other government organizations throughout the region to develop greater glocality.
2016-present Advisor on cultural and arts tourism to Yangon Heritage Trust, Yangon. Also, conducted the 2016 Yangon Tourism Planning Study for the Trust – the major arts and cultural tourism study completed at destination level for Myanmar. Yangon in Myanmar has a hugely diverse array of cultural resources to draw on for tourism. No previous detailed analysis of tourism in Yangon had been carried out before this study. The consultant conducted the study with the assistance of the Yangon Heritage Trust and worked closely with its tour guides on creating a new training programme. The study’s report provides a guiding vision for the next five years and should be considered a document that can be used for further discussion on a way forward.
2014-2015 Cultural Mapping and Urban Heritage Management Planning. Consultant and advisor on these topics to the Singapore National Heritage Board. The Board is keen to update existing practices and policies connected with the above and implement the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach recommended by UNESCO.
2011-2015 Senior Research Consultant, UNESCO Observatory for Research on Local Culture and Creativity in Education (RLCCE), Hong Kong. Intangible cultural heritage expert advising the Observatory and UNESCO Bangkok on projects based in Hong Kong and Asia concerning living culture, education, museums and creativity. One example of this work is the seminar held regarding Intangible Cultural Heritage, Education and Museums that was a particularly successful event. It engendered the further development of new education strategies for safeguarding and enhancing knowledge transfer for Hong Kong’s intangible cultural heritage.
2010-11 Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage Study.
Principal consultant and author for above named United Nations World Tourism Organization international project. This is the first study of tourism and intangible cultural heritage (TICH) that involved comprehensive international research. It suggests innovative forms of policy-making and community-based tourism collaborations. The 12 month study outlined the nature of ICH and how it is being developed for tourism, along with different types of interconnections between the two. It contains over 40 case studies and examples of best practices from around the world that were judged to have the most potential for addressing key issues for achieving sustainability.
Hilary du CrosAsiatica Cultural Management
72 Warragal Rd
Turramura NSW
Phone: 94492961
Year Commenced: 2017Number of Staff: 1
Staff Basis: Sole Operator
AICCM member: N/A
GST Registered?: No