Fairfield City Museum and Gallery
Bring your family and friends to spend the day at Fairfield City Museum & Gallery where you can immerse yourself in the fun and breathtaking exhibitions programs and events. Fairfield City Museum & Gallery is known for its strong history of community involvement and is the largest exhibition space in Fairfield City. Fairfield City Museum
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Cootamundra Creative Arts and Cultural Centre
The Cootamundra Arts Centre has great facilities and great events! Boasting an exhibition room, a visual arts workshop and large mess hall ready for hands-on activities, the art-making program is varied and vibrant. The Centre includes a theatre for live performances and cinema, and comes equipped with kitchen and facilities to cater for dynamic opening nights as
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Raglan Gallery and Cultural Centre
The Raglan Gallery and Cultural Centre showcases the region’s talented artists from painters to ceramists, potters and sculptors. Throughout the year the Raglan holds a number of prestigious exhibitions including the Raglan Art Awards. The Raglan was built in 1854 by James Hain, and was licensed as the Lord Raglan Inn. It was named after Lord
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Northern Rivers Community Gallery (NRCG) + Ignite Studios
The Northern Rivers Community Gallery (NRCG) + Ignite Studios is an established cultural hub and creative catalyst in the Northern Rivers region. NRCG exhibitions and programs promote critical thinking, creative exploration and social cohesion; and connect artists, makers and audiences with creative opportunity. The gallery features four exhibition spaces and presents a range of professional,
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