Powerhouse Parramatta
© Moreau Kusunoki / Genton
Earlier this year, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was developed as part of the State Significant Development Application for Powerhouse Parramatta. The Environmental Impact Statement was on exhibition from 10 June – 21 July 2020.
Infrastructure NSW has now reviewed all submissions received during the exhibition of the State Significant Development Application.
Over 1,300 submissions were received, and key matters raised included:
- The removal of local heritage items on the site
- Design of the public space including the building’s undercroft (an underground area required for the building’s flood resilience)
- Flooding.
A Response to Submissions Report has been prepared to address the matters raised. Changes have also been made to the design of Powerhouse Parramatta, as part of the Response to Submissions process and ongoing design development.
Overall, the changes improve the surrounding public spaces, create a better arrival experience and enhance connectivity from the Civic Link to the riverfront, enriching the overall visitor experience. If you would like to read more about the changes, view the project update and the project factsheets on the website under the ‘Library’ tab.
The Response to Submissions report can be viewed via the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website here.
Next Steps
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment will review all submissions and the Response to Submissions Report as part of the project assessment for the State Significant Development Application. A determination (approved or not approved) on the Powerhouse Parramatta project is expected to be made by early 2021.