Join our Register of Peers
Museums & Galleries of NSW is seeking expressions of interest from across the museum, gallery and Aboriginal cultural centre sector from individuals wishing to be considered to join our Register of Peers.
The Register of Peers is comprised of people who work or volunteer across the sector in NSW. We place great emphasis on and welcome diversity within this advisory group. Some members possess specialised skills in specific art forms, cultural heritage, or technical areas relevant to our endeavours. Others bring forth a wealth of knowledge, experience, and involvement within the industry. Each peer generously contributes their time to provide current insights, expertise in industry best practices, and the capacity to conduct impartial and informed assessments across our grant programs.
As a Peer participant, you’ll not only gain valuable hands-on experience but also deepen your understanding of the sector. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to create connections and build networks in the industry.
If you’re a sector professional or volunteer contributor and want to be involved, register your interest by emailing comms@mgnsw.org.au.
Please include in your expression of interest: an up to date resume including the names and contact details of two referees and a statement about your particular skills, knowledge, and interest in being selected to be involved, and willingness to comply with M&G NSW’s adopted Code of Conduct.
If you are unsure about your suitability or have a question about the process or commitment required, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The term of the new Register of Peers will commence in July 2024 through to the end of June 2026.