4A Curators’ Intensive is an initiative developed by 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art to encourage professional advancement amongst early career Australian cultural practitioners with an interest in curatorial practice. In 2020, the Curators’ Intensive, will take place in Sydney between Monday 20 April – Friday 24 April 2020.
This is the fifth iteration of the Intensive program that has been offered biennially since 2012 with support from Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund. In 2020, the program aligns with the first iteration of 4A’s partnership with London’s International Curators Forum (ICF), I am beating heart in the world: Diaspora Pavilion 2, Sydney. With a focus on diaspora the 2020 program will expand, complicate and even destablised the term itself engaging with the complexities, challenges and continued relevance that the diasporic experience and diasporic art have today. The program will be led by three leading international curators who have extensive experience working on large scale exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale to small scale curatorial gestures including Adelaide Bannerman (Independent Curator and Programmes ICF, London) and Jessica Taylor (Independent Curator and Producer and Head of Programmes ICF, London).
In 2020 nine Australian emerging curators will join a UK delegate as part of the program and be offered the opportunity and support to pitch an exhibition for Fairfield Museum and Art Gallery in late 2020.
Applications close 24 November 2019