Individual Achievement: Volunteers
Here are the 2012 nominees for the Individual Achievement award for volunteers in the sector.
The winner for this category was Ken Smith from Hambledon Cottage.
Please note that all of these lovely images are courtesy of the nominees.
Trevor William Dean, Curator
Australian Aviation Museum, Bankstown

Photograph of Trevor Dean. Courtesy the Australian Aviation Museum, Bankstown.
Trevor is a founding member of the Australian Aviation Museum and has been involved with other aviation museums and groups affiliated with Museums Australia, giving recognition to those who keep Australia’s history of aviation alive.
Trevor has worked on many mutually beneficial partnerships with the Air Training Corp cadets, TAFE students, volunteers and with the Work for the Dole program.
To keep to museum best practice, Trevor has travelled at his own expense to study aviation museums in the UK, USA and NZ.
To obtain funds for the Museum, Trevor approached the famous Australian flying boat pilot, Captain Bryan Monkton and assisted with writing his memoirs. After the Captain sadly became ill, Trevor carried out his wishes and published the book.
Trevor Pascoe, Former President
Millthorpe & District Historical Society
Golden Memories Museum

Photograph shows a very proud Trevor with Federal MP Hon. John Cobb, Mr Hilton Henry and Federal MP Hon. Peter Andren. Courtesy Milthorpe & District Historical Society.
Trevor led the Golden Memories Museum to become the leading volunteer museum in the Central West. This included the development of the Museum’s Strategic Plan.
Trevor was passionate about the social history collection and sharing it with the community. He initiated open days to create awareness of Millthorpe’s history.
Trevor made considerable effort to recognise the outstanding achievements of volunteers.
He encouraged and assisted members with grant applications, the most recent being for the production of the Strategic Plan. He liaised with Blayney Shire Council to gain interest free loans for developing infrastructure, in particular the extensions to the Rural Technology Building.
Unfortunately, Trevor passed away earlier this year but he will be remembered for this dedication to the Museum.
Peter Feitz
Uralla Historical Society
McCrossin’s Mill

Photograph of Peter Feitz. Courtesy Uralla Historical Society.
Peter first became involved with the Society by serendipity. In 1986 the Society received a grant to employ a builder for restorations. Peter was employed and with volunteers, mischievously called “monkeys”, they slaved away every Sunday until the money ran out and they could no longer pay ‘Feitzy’.
“So what?” he retorted. “You blokes all work here for nothing, so that’s what I’ll be doing too, as of next Sunday!”
As a highly skilled builder, Peter has become a teacher, displaying extraordinary patience. Without exception the volunteers have come away from working bees knowing they achieved something and have learned new skills along the way. This also includes people who have been given Community Service Orders.
Kevin Jewell, Volunteer Researcher
Gerringong and District Historical Society

Photograph of Kevein Jewell. Courtesy of Gerringong and District Historical Society.
Kevin has donated time on two valuable projects. The first Gerringong Then and Now involved gathering over 800 historical photographs and returning to the location for a ‘now’ shot. By speaking to many residents about the project he is creating interest in local history.
The second project involves meticulously researched history articles in the local magazine. Kevin only publishes information he can verify with primary research. His articles are engaging and have contributed significantly to local historical knowledge. The editor reports most community feedback is about Kevin’s articles.
One resident commented, “I suspect people who wouldn’t dream of reading a history book, find the articles most accessible.”
Kevin’s approach to research is an inspiration to the Gerringong Historical Society.
Ken Smith, Past President and Secretary
Parramatta & District Historical Society
Hambledon Cottage House Museum

Photograph of Ken Smith. Courtesy of Parramatta & District Historical Society.
Ken is seen as the catalyst for positive change. Members ask “what is the next improvement he is planning”. He leads by example and trains other volunteers to take over duties.
Projects include implementing planning and budgeting, introducing collection database InMagic, seeking grants for training, writing policies and procedures, finalising a Conservation Management Plan which led to a State Heritage Register listing.
He has participated in working groups involving council and other museums. Ken’s been on the M&G NSW Volunteer Reference Committee and a Standards Program reviewer. He assisted the Royal Australian Historical Society to prepare a Strategic Plan and budget.
Ken has engaged schools in museum activities, resulting in an annual History Day with some 230 students involved.
Jennifer Colless, Volunteer Member
Walgett District Historical Society
Walgett Historical Society Museum

Jennifer, in red, speaking on the exhibit. Courtesy Walgett District Historical Society.
Since retiring 8 years ago Jennifer has channelled considerable energy into the Walgett Society.
Jennifer fundraises through raffles and tour guiding. She promptly replies to community requests for information and photographs.
As the ‘go to’ person for family trees, Jennifer developed a Family Tree Starter Kit which was launched at the 2012 Walgett Community Festival where the supporting display won Champion Exhibit. Jennifer was there distributing kits and assisting people with their family trees. The Kit is important as it encourages locals to document their history creating a rich resource for the future.
Jennifer also archives historical information. Although time consuming, she want to provide a good service to the community and leave a valuable resource for future generations.
Daphne Salt
Sutherland Shire Historical Society & Museum

Photograph of Daphne Salt. Courtesy of Sutherland Shire Historical Society & Museum.
Daphne is an invaluable member of the Society. Daphne is generous with her time in detailing, recording and transmitting material for the Museum.
Daphne has spent 590 hours digitising all copies of our journal which commenced in 1966. Using the Society and her own personal collection of photographs she has produced a series of tablemats which were an excellent fund raiser.
Daphne is constantly available to answer questions from members and the public. She engages the community with presentations to various groups. Daphne has also produced many books on the history of the Shire. Always approachable and full of ideas, Daphne is the cornerstone of the Society.