Museum Audio Visual Displays

31 Mar 2022.
Learn & Play! teamLab Future Park exhibition at the Powerhouse in 2018
Learn & Play! teamLab Future Park exhibition at the Powerhouse in 2018

In this 45-minute webinar Powerhouse Media Technology Manager Owen Conlan and Senior AV Technician Jessica James-Moody will take you through all the basics of including audio visual displays in your exhibitions.

From display heights to installation environment, mounting and safety issues, Owen and Jessica, with their wealth of experience, will help you understand what is involved in including audio visuals into your exhibitions and displays.

This webinar is designed for staff and volunteers of smaller museums and the collecting sector. A 30-minute presentation with slides will be followed by a 15-minute Q+A session. The webinar is free but bookings are essential. Participants can pre-register their questions.

31 March 2022

Book online