Making Meaning: Collections as Data Symposium
06 Mar 2020.
State Library of Queensland
Friday 6 March 2020
Making Meaning: Collections as Data is a one-day symposium featuring influential and challenging speakers from the research, government, digital humanities and GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sectors. Making Meaning aims to raise awareness of the potential of collections as data and build a community of practice in Australia. The symposium is an outcome from our commitment to digital collecting, engagement and empowerment in the State Library of Queensland Digital Strategy.
The day includes two keynote speakers, interactive break-out sessions and lightning talks to build understanding and expertise and showcase best practice examples of collections as data. There will be networking opportunities and a panel conversation on the intersection of collecting institutions, researchers and technologies in enabling meaning making.
If you understand the power of data and are seeking ways to better integrate it into your work, or just want to learn more, come join other digital innovators at Making Meaning.