Available today, the new improved Ortelia Curator enables curators to plan and develop exhibitions virtually, long before physical artworks arrive. Exhibition designers simply set up a virtual exhibition space then add 2D and 3D artworks, wall colour, didactics, and lighting.
Now, thanks to a partnership between NETS Australia and software developers Ortelia Interactive Services, curators can even add moving image, digital and sound based works. These features allow curators to test the practical concerns of sound and light bleed within the virtual space.
"Ortelia Curator is an essential tool for all involved in exhibition design and development." Michael Rolfe, Chair NETS Australia.
The project is part of the National Touring Initiative, NETS Australia’s four-year project launched in 2012 to deliver cutting-edge, contemporary digital media art to regional and remote audiences across Australia. The improvements to Ortelia Curator will be used extensively in the forthcoming National Touring Initiative exhibition, People Like Us.
Michael Rolfe, Chair, NETS Australia and CEO, Museums & Galleries of NSW described the value of the digital tools:
“Ortelia Curator is an essential tool for all involved in exhibition design and development. We are excited to be working with Ortelia Interactive Services to explore the future of touring exhibition delivery and design and test the possibilities available in this digital age.”
Lazaros Kastanis, Ortelia Interactive Services:
“We hope the improvements to Ortelia Curator assist the delivery of new media art to regional and remote audiences. Our partnership with NETS Australia and their adoption of Ortelia Curator to facilitate the National Touring Initiative will contribute significantly to the adoption of innovative new digital tools within the industry.”
For more information, please visit: www.orteliacurator.com or www.netsaustralia.org.au

The National Touring Initiative is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments.